
Posts Tagged ‘Chronic Lyme’

I don’t know quite how to say this. I wanna tell all you sweet people something, but I don’t think you’re going to believe me. I barely believe it myself.

And I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to say that I’m in denial. Or you’re going to say that I’m crazy. You’re going to say I’m in a “good phase” of my disease. That’s cool. I get it.  There are a lot of belief systems out there that say what I’m about to tell you is impossible, crack-pot science, and a total scam.  And I might believe you if I’d paid $10,000 for a treatment that put me in a temporary remission but was still kinda feeling sick.  And I might believe you if you reminded me that I’d been stuffing my face full of nutrients and vitamins for the past three months building my immune system.  But I haven’t been on any kind of “Lyme protocol” for at least 6 months.  I’d pretty much given up on a “real” protocol helping me.  I’d just been treating symptoms as best as I could.  Aaaand I might believe you if I met another Lyme person who’s done another protocol that has given them as much progress as me.  But, I haven’t.  Everyone I know who has Lyme still has symptoms.  They. Still. Have. Symptoms.

So.  Here’s the bottom line.  I believe that I no longer have Lyme Disease.  Or Babesia.  Or Bartonella.  Or Mycoplasma. Or Erlichia.

And I know that sounds crazy.  But when I started these sessions, I tested (via kinesiology) yes (positive) for Lyme.  And I tested yes for the remaining coctail-of-hell generally referred to as co-infections.  And three months ago I was very symptomatic with the typical fatigue, body aches, pain, blah, blah, blah.  I had lost the progress I had made with the diet changes and was beginning to relapse into symptoms again.  As an FYI, I’ve never been completely symptom free- the diet just lessed them.

However, I am now virtually pain free and my life has literally opened up in the past two months in ways that I haven’t experienced in over three years.

So, here I am saying it:  I believe that I have been cured from Lyme.  I believe that through this energy work, or whatever you want to call it, the bugs in my body have been completely eradicated from every system, every cell, every area of my body.  I believe that by January, I will have gone through the detoxing that is required to physically eliminate these dead pathogens from my body and I will be symptom free.  I am 98% pain free right now-with residual pain being a result of the last appointment that I just had that got rid of 20 types of fungus and 7 types of mold- all of which take a bit of time to be eliminated by my healing systems (duh, right?)

Please understand that this has created serious problems for me in my life.  I no longer can excuse myself from obligations that I once could get out of due to being ill.  I now feel compelled to get physical exercise at any given day (without tiring).  I now am fitting into clothes I haven’t worn in years (aka, losing weight).  I now have been required to clean out my closets and organize my house after three years of “sick buildup”- except now, I don’t have the brain fog that allowed me to put it off.  My children and I are finding that I no longer lay on the couch watching TV with them because I can’t get up- they’re frustrated because now mommy is coming up with activities to do with them because she has the energy to do them and complete them; they don’t get to watch much TV anymore.  I find myself with massive amounts of time on my hands, wandering around the house trying to find things to do because I have so much energy.   I have found myself staying up reading novels until 11:00 PM and up at 7:00 AM feeling well rested without the exhaustion that I normally would feel.

I haven’t been blogging for quite some time mainly because of Lyme symptoms and having nothing to add to the general online commiseration regarding Lyme.  But you have watched the pain and the struggle I have had regarding Lyme. So you know I’m not fake. You know how hard this has been.

I know that it’s unbelievable- that it sounds like a “Healing from God” kind of testimony.  Please understand that that is not what I’m saying.  I’m *not* saying that God healed me.  I’m saying He showed me the way to get healed.  And it did take a considerable amount of work with this energy worker.  We’ve done over 15 sessions working each pathogen out, getting the healing system to recognize it and having the healing system destroy each one.  I’ve not tested positive for any of the typical Lyme coinfections (or Lyme) since we destroyed each one.

Now.  Here’s the other part.  The “healer” in question had no financial motivation to give me false positives of diseases that I did or didn’t have and then false negatives of the ones she “cured.”  I didn’t pay a dime for the treatment, she offered it to me for free as a clinical trial so that she could document my progress and determine the bugs to work out of the various protocols.  You know why?  Because she’s my mother.  Her motivation was simply to figure out how to get me off her couch and not have to nurse me from here to eternity.   She’s been doing this energy work, in one form or another, for over 25 years.  She’s was doing it before it became a buzz word and before it attracted all the local pagans to worship mother earth in etherial unity.  (BTW, energy work is no more spiritual than cell phone connectivity- just because it’s invisible doesn’t mean it’s spiritual).

We started working September 10, 2011.   As we worked, she became more efficient with her processes, eliminating each pathogen more quickly, my body responding faster.  As we’ve worked these past two months, I’ve made more progress in these months than I have in the three years that I’ve been trying to symptomatically treat Lyme.  Something else to remind you about:  I’ve not been on a serious Lyme protocol for over 6 months.  My symptoms were getting worse over these 6 months even after I had lessed the toxin burden with the diet changes.    I should not have been making much progress if all this was bogus.  I also had predictable herxes from when the treatment started (including one that laid me on my back for two days)- each time we killed pathogens, I herxed.  Uh, did I *mention* I’ve not been on a Lyme protocol for 6 months?  Yeah.  Herxing doesn’t come from nowhere, it comes because your body is experiencing a die-off.  And it happened right on time.  Each time.  And I know how Lyme can jerk you around and constantly be giving you symptoms all over the map, so you never know if you’re herxing or just symptomatic.  But I’d gotten to the point where I could recongize the difference.  And I kept getting better after each herx, not worse (which would signal higher Lyme count).
Furthermore, since I’ve been feeling well, I’ve been a very bad girl and participated in behaviors that would have normally put me in the nut house: like eating wheat.  More than 3 times in a week.  (*gasp*) Smoking an occasional cigarette.  I drank Eggnog (aka instant sugar infusion) these past few days and my body hasn’t broken out into a candida nuclear bomb.  I’ve eaten chocolate, taken long walks with the kids, observed insane curfew times (i.e., going to bed at 1AM and getting up at 5AM), piled my day full of insane errands and running around (with three kids in tow).  You name it, and I’ve tried it in the past two weeks.  My mother has suggested that I wait a bit before I throw myself off the cliff to see if I can fly, give my body some more time to heal, and be a little gentler.  But, I’ve been splurging like a rich girl with her daddy’s credit card- and quite frankly- the bills haven’t come due.  My body is *not* reacting to all this crap I’ve been forcing down my throat.  I should be in BED today.  But I’m eating pie, watching overstimulating media, and participating in general Thanksgiving carousing that is generally unacceptable (and unattainable) to me.  Even on a GOOD lyme day, I shouldn’t be able to do these things without an eventual payback.  But, I’ve been doing this for two weeks.  And no reaction.  At all.

Back to the financial piece for full disclosure: Keep in mind that she will be charging once she’s satisfied with the results of the trials.  But this post isn’t a sales call.  It’s simply to state where I am and that she has two other people in her clinical trial and is working on them.   And before you think this is as quick as tapping your heels and wishing yourself home, this is no short process.  It took us 4-5 sessions within the first month to eradicate the pathogens and another 5 sessions to clean up junk and damage (i.e., in my case: poor lymphatic drainage that impeded removal of toxins) that the body has accumulated due to Lyme and coinfections.  So, you have to know that it will be at least two months before you begin to feel confident that you don’t have Lyme anymore.

As a side note, I’ll give you another few testimonies that are not Lyme related.  Since she’s learned this technique (a teachable skill which I’m learning to do), I go to her now for everything, the flu, headache, etc.  I started to get a cold sore, could feel it coming on, asked her within 5 mintues to take care of it, she worked on it for 10 minutes and it never surfaced.  My psoriosis on my left hand and foot is 99% gone and healing rapidly- it has persisted since last summer, and didn’t begin final healing until we worked on treating the fungus and mold.   I started to get the flu this morning, with body aches (that are different than Lyme body aches) and swollen glands.  She worked on me for 15 minutes, I took a hot bath and the body aches were gone by the time I got to her house for Thanksgiving dinner today.

So.  I know how this sounds.  But you get to decide what you want to do with this information.  Take a look at the rest of my blog.  Look at all the other things I’ve tried.  You can now contact me at quantumcommand@Gmail.com where I can work with you one on one with this disease.

I can tell you that my life is freer today than its ever been and the Lyme is GONE.   I’ve tried everything.  But this is the only thing that has worked.

So call me crazy.  But I call myself cured.

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Once upon a time there was an older married couple.  And one morning, just like every morning, the wife went downstairs to make breakfast.  As she put the food on their plates, she called her husband down to eat.  He hobbled down the stairs griping and grumbling about rheumatism and arthritis and sat at the table a bit winded from the effort.  Once seated, they folded their hands and prayed over their eggs and toast and milk for God to bless their food, make it nourishing to their bodies, and Lord, if you would, please heal my husband’s aching knee. 

 They ate peaceably, talking about what their plans were for that day, and as they finished their food, the wife jumped up, proclaimed, “Breakfast is over!” then proceeded to take a hammer and slam it across her husband’s knee. “Alright!” she exclaimed, “Let’s get the day started!”                                                           

                                                  .   .   .

 There is nothing more that the sick want than to be healed.  They want to be free of the pain and suffering from their injury and want to no longer be burdened by the heaviness that long term illness presents.  I say this as one who, last summer, was practically writing her last will and testament- I was certain my body was going to give out from the pain of Lyme disease.

 And while prayer and meditation are crucial to the healing process, sometimes the cold, hard facts are that we need to take a look at ourselves to determine how we are sabotaging our own wellness. 

 You see, the couple in the above parable wanted to be healed- they prayed for healing, they desired healing, perhaps they even expected healing.  But as they prayed, they were largely unaware of the impact the routine of a morning-hammer-to-the-knee can hamper the healing process.  Perhaps the wife thought she was doing good for her husband, or perhaps the husband trusted the wisdom within his wife’s regular breakfast procedure.  Either way, they were both trusting God to heal his knee, when, in fact, they were also both participating in the behavior that was causing the illness to begin with!

 And really this story is no different than others we know- people addicted to chaotic lifestyles, friends who can’t seem to get to a relationship that is healthy, individuals who gain success then sabotage it with bad habits.

 So often, we can find ourselves in situations where we are prolonging our own illness, either consciously or not.  In my particular case with Lyme disease as the pain vector, food was largely the cause of my physical inflammation and once I eliminated grains and sugar (and tobacco) from my diet (through the GAPS diet), my pain diminished tremendously.  But I lived in a state of incredible pain eating wheat and other foods that were toxic to me for two years before I discovered the power of food in eliminating chronic inflammation.  I had no idea what I was doing to myself.

 But, when I was desperate with pain, I resolved to myself that I was no longer going to accept being ill, fatigued and weighed down.  I decided that I was going to pray for wisdom and direction to move out of this disease into a pattern of wellness, rather than a pattern of sickness.  I was going to, as they say in 12 step recovery groups, “Take the cotton out of my ears and put it in my mouth.”  I was going to shut up and listen.  I was going to try anything.  And everything.  And constantly.  I was going to talk to people who were healthy; I was going to help others that were sick.  And I was going to keep doing that until something worked. 

 So I stopped eating sugar.

And I did tons of energy work.

I went up to the altar to be prayed for and have hands laid on me.

I listened when someone suggested something.

I read web site after web site.

I completely altered my schedule- I cut out all unnecessary activities and focused completely on getting rest.  I refused to join more groups, more church stuff and more friend stuff.  I narrowed my life to one church service a week and two group meetings a month.  I was simply too sick to do anything else.

I let my house go to hell in a hand basket for the sake of getting one more extra hour of sleep.

I stopped doing laundry with toxic detergent.  I washed my hair with non-toxic shampoo.  I stopped using moisturizers, hair gels, food rub lotions, commercial exfoliants, and anything else that had a chemical in it. If I couldn’t pronounce it, it didn’t go in or on my body.

I detoxed out of toxic relationships.

I cleaned up my financial life by attending a Dave Ramsey class.

I did acupressure tapping work.

I worked with distance healers. 

I took natural antibiotics.

I used frequency therapy.

I used muscle testing.

I refused to allow negative music, movies or stressful situations into the house and only permitted funny, healing, and creative media in.

I totally changed my diet to eating no grains (except brown rice) and went through three months of hell while the Candida flared (fighting back), my body detoxed and my immune system kicked in.

I took every supplement on this planet and when something worked, I kept doing it. 

I kept talking and processing and talking and processing with my Lyme friends about what pieces of the puzzle we were missing, what would work next, how to get to the next level of healing. 

I worked on forgiving and loving people I had resentments against. 

I chose not to form new resentments. 

I attended healing classes at my church.

I had a spiritual deliverance that removed spiritual toxins and attachments.       

I started surrendering bits and pieces of my past and letting go.

I stopped believing lies.

I started believing in miracles.

 You see, you cannot heal physically without healing the whole body, mind, and soul.  It rarely works to take a pill and be healed.  Healing is a process- and we have to be willing to take part in that process. 

 And before it sounds like I’m saying that I’ve arrived at the perfection of health, I’m not, and I haven’t.  I’m not saying you can get healed or cured with postive thinking- it’s not quite that easy (I wish).  But chronic illness is complex and blocking or denying parts of you only sets yourself up to remain ill, or sabotages your progress.  You can’t fake the body out.  It knows when you’re not being honest.  So when I went (or go) back to an occasional cigarette with a cup of coffee, my body reacted.  Sometimes, I held habit and schedule with a tight grip, unwilling to let go to give myself peace and as a result my body would stay locked in a fatigue routine as well.  Sometimes, I gave into despair and got angry and raged at God for the unfairness of it all, and while it could be cathartic, it was also expensive on my energy.  I had to pick and choose when to express it.  Sometimes, I participated in toxic relationships and the intensity stressed me out to the point of exhaustion.  Sometimes, I was the toxic person to be around- sick, in pain, miserable and inviting negativity in the process.  Sometimes I chose negative thinking and cycled down into various bad thinking patterns. 

 However, time after time, I found that each individual step to wellness was one I could take empowered, once I made the decision to be well.

 But it wasn’t until I was desperate that I became willing to accept my whole self into the healing process- and piece by piece I began to remove the blocks to wellness.  And sometimes, in fact, much of the time, there were no blocks, it was just me, standing there, in my own way.

 “Don’t give up.  It may be the last key on the ring that opens the door.” (Streams in the Desert, Cowman).

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I have a theory that I have been formulating for months about Lyme and it’s persistent nature. For the most part, the characteristics of chronic Lyme symptomatology has been attributed to the spirochete’s “cyst” (or round body, used interchangeably in this post) form- the form in which the spirochete literally curls up into a ball after being exposed to an uncomfortable environment, whether due to things like pulses of antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs and other unknown conditions that the bug finds unfavorable. In that cyst form, Lyme is able to percolate, undamaged by the treatments the host is given. It sits and waits until the coast is clear, until conditions are favorable for it to unfold and go on with it’s lifecycle.   

Think of it in terms of proper attire on a cold, rainy beach. One will not don their bathing suit until conditions are pleasant and there is no longer a threat of contracting a cold, stuffy nose, or a shivering wet experience. We will hang out in the beach house until the storm passes. When the sun comes out and the rain ceases, we will gladly shed our outer beach wear and enjoy the warm rays and cool waters. Lyme cysts are thought to act accordingly. When, conditions clear, they unfold to resume activity.    

Lyme is also thought to replicate in that stage, so they unfold out of the cyst form having replicated tremendously and infect other areas creating worsening symptoms. Long-term antibiotics are theorized to provoke some spirochetes into round bodies. While antibiotics may reduce a bacterial load at some level, there seems to be a threshold with which antibiotics are no longer effective and may actually create an environment that promotes the shifting into round body form.  This is a most undesirable effect, especially if the number of round bodies end up outnumbering the number of spirochetes that are killed.   

One of the frustrating aspects of treatment has been the difficulty in reaching these seemingly impenetrable fortresses that shield the round bodies from eradication and stop the perpetuation of chronic and debilitating symptoms. A patient must sometimes “wait” for these cyst forms to open in order to treat that batch of Lyme, similar to peeling back the layers of an onion.  Not only that, but the Lyme life cycle is long, anywhere from 2-3 weeks to 6 months.  Long term treatment is essential to catching each batch of Lyme as it appears.   

But here’s the other part of that theory. It’s being bounced around in Lyme circles that the chronic nature of this illness is also due to “biofilms” of Lyme. Note that this is not an actual “form” of Lyme, but seems to be colonies of spirochete that hide under an impenetrable film, until they break open, for whatever reason, causing an increase in bacterial load. Biofilms have been theorized to be the culprit of many persistent/chronic infections, including sinus infection and pneumonia (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12174708). Using antibiotics to eradicate the inital onset of a sinus infection, colonies of biofilms may be forming, hidden, unreachable by the antibiotics. As a result, relief is achieved temporarily, but harboring within a biofilm, the infection remains, achieving infection once again after the biofilm has broken open and released bacteria, virus, etc. that has been replicating.   

Why does this matter? Because I believe that this is one of the mode de operandi of Lyme and one of the reasons why a simple course of antibiotics will rarely wipe out an entire Lyme infection.  They are already forming happy little colonies protected against whatever you throw their way.  Even Rife machines are thought to reach only the spirochete.   

Enter: The new Townsend Study (read full text here: http://www.townsendletter.com/July2010/sapi0710.html)  testing the efficacy of Banderol/Samento tinctures on each of the Lyme forms (just as a review, they are currently: Cyst/Round Body Form, Spirochete, Biofilmlike colonies). Included in the study were big beautiful pictures of Lyme forming massive colonies in petri dishes surrounded by a sort of film. The outcome? Samento alone seemed to reduce the spirochete’s ability to form biofilms effeciently, resulting in “smaller and less organized” colonies. However Samento increased (albeit not as profound an increase as from the doxycyline doses) the number of round body forms. Banderol alone seemed to not reduce the colonies, but killed most of the cells within the colonies. With both tinctures, “no sign of any colony formation was observed, but …found evidence of a few individual nonmotile but green spirochetes and round bodies.” This is good news.  Quite incredible actually.  Up until now, the typical treatment protocol has been 3-6 weeks of doxy and if you’re lucky enough to get to a LLMD, you might get long-term antibiotics.  But, again, the doxy was found to significantly increase the roundbody forms, even though it killed a tremendous amount of spirochete.    

Biofilm forms of Lyme, credit: Townsend study

And this has been the whole reason why I’ve never gone on antibiotics for Lyme: because while it would initially greatly reduce my symptoms, the long-term damage from having body-wide round bodies waiting to open up is a very alarming thought to me.  Furthermore, it’s still unclear under what conditions biofilms form, but it’s very clear that antibiotics cannot reach them.  At least not the antibiotics we have available now.  And let me just tell you something, this organic hippie-chick, granola eatin’, sandal wearin’  mama may be generally-anti- antibiotic, but if there was a study out there that showed an antibiotic that could reach all forms of Lyme, I would be shoving pills down my throat like there was no tomorrow.  I would not *even* be worried about the typical side effects of antibiotics (candida/yeast, digestive issues, etc.) because with all that I know now, fixing those side effects would be a walk in the park compared to my present debilitating symptoms and toxicity of Lyme.  Just had to add that for my own sake.   

This study is very promising. As a matter of fact, I’ve ordered both tinctures and will begin this protocol once they have arrived. I’m very nervous about the herxing and pain I am about to suffer, it truly is frustrating the cycle of killing Lyme, but, I’m hoping with the other items within my already established protocol, I will be more efficient in killing the Lyme than before.

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